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Technology Now Allows You to Edit Movies at Home - Articles Surfing

The usefulness of a camcorder is not only limited to the ability of the videographer but also on the type of equipment he chooses to use and maintain. Maintenance is a vital part of getting good video footage and caring for your stuff allows faults to be found preventing failure in the middle of your video taking work. Bateries like most equipment need proper care and monitoring for they do have a defined lifespan (mostly in the number of charge-duscharge cycles).

Today*s batteries are some of the most sophistictaed ones ever in the video world, with some having active monitoring and using high tech nmaterials that offers longer charge times resulting in more video footage per battery pack. New batteries have to be conditioned (complete charge/discharge cycles, meaning using all the charge up till the device turns itself off then allowing it to fully charge again before reusing it for at least 3 times) This ensures the battery maximizes its potential with respect to the amount of charge it can hold which in time diminishes as the chemicals within breaks down (all batteries do this) till they cannot hold enough of a charge for a long time.

For a serious videographer, sveral battery packs are best for it allows you to lock and load in no time at all. Some even have back-up cameras and power packs on stand-by giving ample power for your video needs.

This form of filming technique is the act of starting a shot and panning left or right as you search for your next object of focus. It is not only dizzying but also prevents you from easily editing your recordings according to the scenes. Experts recommend at least 8 seconds of video on a subject that has ample material to be taken out as you compose your work into the final product. Footage you fail to focus on but deem to be vital later cannot be reshot as the magic of the moment is surely to have passed you. Planning also avoids this and a well planned shoot allows you to scope out good locations and vantage points to shoot from (just a note, other photographers would be scoping out for the same positions as you are) making your shoot planned and easy to edit when time comes.

The process is called so for it makes an old tape free and void of all previous video and audio that has been recorded onto it. It can be easily done with the lens cap on and in an isolated room. It can also be done before getting to bed so background noise is minimized and the tape becomes a true blank ready to take in another seeeion of video. Most CamCorders use a time search feature to search tracks faster, if a tape has old footage onto it, any gaps in the recording woudl result in a reset of the counter getting the scenes mixed up.

Experts use them to maintain the cleanliness of their recording heads allowing them to function at maximum effectivity each and every time. Some argue that this only wears the heads faster but it is better to have a worn out head than a dirty one that can fail you in an instant. As time develops, dirt and other debris accumulates onto your heads resulting in dirty footage with gaps and noise, cleaning can be done with approved cleaners form the equipment manufacturers, some even offer professional cleaning services to keep your video equipment in the best possible condition (its quite expensive and is more for professional videographers). Head cleaners are cheap and effective in beating normal dirt and grime on your heads but be sure to check the manuals for any notes on the subject.

Submitted by:

Jon Caldwell

Jon Caldwell is a professional content manager. Much of his articles can be found at http://basicvideoediting.com



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