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Survival After Retirement - Articles Surfing

Many get very excited with the very thought of retirement but with some the reaction is very negative, whenever there is a talk or discussion on retirement. Retirement is that stage of life where a working person gets a complete relief from his work and is a signal that he can stretch out his legs, resting to all glory.

Over the years there has been several changes, in peoples attitude towards retirement. Previously, nobody planned as to how they shall be spending their life after retirement but as for toady things have undergone a sea change. Now a days, every body has a full fledged plan in hand as to how life shall be after retirement. In fact such people sound very excited and enthusiastic, while discussing on retirement. For the seniors of today, retirement is almost an opposite concept compared to those a few years ago. Mention may be made of the seniors of Florida, Arizona and Texas, who even at the age of their age of retirement, seems to be as healthy as their grand children.

In some exceptional cases, retirement to some may come as an emotional moment. It makes them feel different and to some extend lonely as they shall no more be in the company of all those people who had almost become a family. But looking at it from a different perspective, it also gives them the privilege of spending time with all those people whom they had been avoiding all this while, especially the family, who has always craved for their presence.

Retirement also has a different part to it, which is called semi-retirement. This is a stage where the person has no other option than to apply for a retirement, as his physical conditions do not allow him to work any more. It could happen in cases where he is either suffering for a disease or has met with an accident.

As far as the age for retirement is concerned it varies from country to country. But usually it comes between the age of 55 to 70. Some countries have a different retirement age for their male and female employees. For the Americans the retirement age is 65. Retirement plans are always mentioned in the company rule books and a person joining the company knows it from the very start as to when shall he be retiring.

Not everybody enjoys the phase of retirement. To some it comes as a thing of utter sorrow. This is for the simple reason that their and their family's survival, completely depends on their job, and retirement puts an end to all their survival strategies. But as for today, there is little to worry about survival after retirement, as there are several after retirement plans available.

Survival after retirement

Retirement is not something that comes all of a sudden. It is something that a person knows of from the very beginning. Thus it is very essential to plan your life savings, so that you don't sit penniless at home the moment you retire. With the change in times and progressments around, life after retirement can be spend in the most beneficial and meaningful way.

Pension is the most common thing that is prevalent in almost all the countries. Seniors get their pension which is a kind of steady income that he/she receives on a decided date. This pension is a sponsored facility, either by the government or by an organization.

The IRA ( Individual Retirement Account) is yet another option available. These are accessed through an individual's bank accounts or the mutual funds. There are two kinds of IRAs available- Roth IRA and the Traditional IRA. This is yet another very good option to save money for life after retirement.

For all those seniors who need medical assistance after retirement and are left with very little helping hands as well as resources, can drop them selves in retirement homes. This is one place where the retired people can have the kind of freedom they wish to and the proper medical assistance.

Money companies have the facility of PF (Provident Fund) which is a very secure option for the people retiring. Certain amount of money gets deducted from a person's salary every month which gets deposited into his PF account. This is one very good security measure where the employee gets all the money at a time after retirement.

Life after retirement

Think about all those interest of your's you could not pay attention to in your life time. Divert all your attention to those. Be it your interest in music or dance, this is the right time for it.

Get into all those adventures that you love and something which you could not thin about due to your busy schedules at work.

Meet up all those people who went unnoticed all this while and give your 100% to your family, as they have always needed you the most.

Get into social work, helping people around you and try to keep your self engaged.

Travel to all possible places and admire the beauty of nature and the beautiful things made by god.

You could also open up a small business of your's that would help to kill time and add in some money.

Seniors have lots of monetary and leisurely options left to their disposal. It all depends on an individual and the way he/she takes situations. Retirement is never a curse, In fact it is a boon in most of the cases. Positive thinking is very essential.

Submitted by:

Sean Carter

Sean Carter writes on http://www.123greetings.com/business/retirement/ http://www.123greetings.com/encouragement_and_inspiration/ family, relationships ,women issues,religion, love and friendship. He also writes on holidays and celebrations around the world. He is a writer with special interest in ecard industry. He writes for http://www.123greetings.com.



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